5. Potential Risks of Modern Slavery in our Supply Chains
Building on our existing policies, this reporting period we focused on the risks of modern slavery practices means the potential for an entity to cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to modern slavery through its operations and supply chains. The nature of being a retailer or seller and through our initial review of our supply chain, approximately 80% of the risk/exposure sits within the OEM businesses.
Our focus in FY22 was to survey our top suppliers to evaluate any risks that could present as a Modern Slavery issue, the survey was sent to more than 420 suppliers.
With the majority of our risk associated with our OEM’s, we must not lose sight of other potential risks. Cleaners, car washers and detailers work in a high-risk sector that can often involve the use of unskilled and temporary labour and foreign workers.
In addition, with the introduction of Labour Hire Authority the risk has significantly reduced. Patterson Cheney requires all relevant suppliers to provide labour hire licenses which are reviewed regularly.
6. Compliance and Action
In line with Patterson Cheney’s Modern Slavery policy, we provide employees, suppliers and their families with a confidential, whistleblowing service that is accessible 24/7, 365 days which can be used to report suspected cases of modern slavery.
7. Our policies and procedures
Patterson Cheney is in the process of rolling out a new contractor management system. Once Operational in 2023 this will allow us to further manager our contractors requirements.
Modern Slavery along with Patterson Cheney’s policy and procedures are all outlined and discussed as an apart of our extensive on-boarding routine.
In addition to the Modern Slavery Policy, Patterson Cheney maintain several other relevant polices which assist and support the efforts in addressing any modern slavery risks. These include, Whistleblower Policy, Grievance Policy, Workplace Health and Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct.
8. Educating our staff and suppliers
Patterson Cheney is in the process of providing further training to Senior Executives, department Managers and relevant employees. This will take place in the reporting period of FY23. In FY22 our HR Manager completed further external Modern Slavery training.
9. Future steps
Further supplier audits through surveys, employee awareness sessions and continuing to audit Labour Licenses will assist Patterson Cheney to achieve its Modern Slavery objectives. Patterson Cheney will act immediately on any suspected and reported breach of this statement and any relevant policy.
This Modern Slavery Statement was approved by the board of Patterson Cheney Pty Ltd on the 14th December 2022.

Cameron Bertalli, CEO/MD
5. Potential Risks of Modern Slavery in our Supply Chains
Building on our existing policies, this reporting period we focused on the risks of modern slavery practices means the potential for an entity to cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to modern slavery through its operations and supply chains. The nature of being a retailer or seller and through our initial review of our supply chain, approximately 80% of the risk/exposure sits within the OEM businesses.
Our focus in FY22 was to survey our top suppliers to evaluate any risks that could present as a Modern Slavery issue, the survey was sent to more than 420 suppliers.
With the majority of our risk associated with our OEM’s, we must not lose sight of other potential risks. Cleaners, car washers and detailers work in a high-risk sector that can often involve the use of unskilled and temporary labour and foreign workers.
In addition, with the introduction of Labour Hire Authority the risk has significantly reduced. Patterson Cheney requires all relevant suppliers to provide labour hire licenses which are reviewed regularly.
6. Compliance and Action
In line with Patterson Cheney’s Modern Slavery policy, we provide employees, suppliers and their families with a confidential, whistleblowing service that is accessible 24/7, 365 days which can be used to report suspected cases of modern slavery.
7. Our policies and procedures
Patterson Cheney is in the process of rolling out a new contractor management system. Once Operational in 2023 this will allow us to further manager our contractors requirements.
Modern Slavery along with Patterson Cheney’s policy and procedures are all outlined and discussed as an apart of our extensive on-boarding routine.
In addition to the Modern Slavery Policy, Patterson Cheney maintain several other relevant polices which assist and support the efforts in addressing any modern slavery risks. These include, Whistleblower Policy, Grievance Policy, Workplace Health and Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct.
8. Educating our staff and suppliers
Patterson Cheney is in the process of providing further training to Senior Executives, department Managers and relevant employees. This will take place in the reporting period of FY23. In FY22 our HR Manager completed further external Modern Slavery training.
9. Future steps
Further supplier audits through surveys, employee awareness sessions and continuing to audit Labour Licenses will assist Patterson Cheney to achieve its Modern Slavery objectives. Patterson Cheney will act immediately on any suspected and reported breach of this statement and any relevant policy.
This Modern Slavery Statement was approved by the board of Patterson Cheney Pty Ltd on the 14th December 2022.

Cameron Bertalli, CEO/MD